Welcome to
FORUM for Dental Student Research and Innovation (FDSRI), the new, online international platform designed for dental students and their mentors. Our goal is to provide a place where dental students around the world can share their research and innovations. FDSRI will include original research papers, reports of student innovations, explanations of technologies and techniques, interviews with research innovators and role models, research career guidance, photo galleries, and letters to the editor.
If you are a dental student, we encourage you to become involved in FDSRI as a main author of a research article, an interview, and/or a report of an innovative technique, material, or instrument that you have developed. If you are a more senior researcher, we invite you to submit a tutorial in your area of expertise and/or an article that provides research career guidance.
FDSRI will give priority to research manuscript submissions that include dental students as leading authors. Mentors are expected to be included as co-authors. For submission of original laboratory and clinical research manuscripts, please go to
http://www.fdsri.com/publication for Author Instructions. The manuscripts that are submitted will be reviewed for originality, critical thinking, and completeness. Research manuscripts that have been published in other journals or that are largely similar to other published articles will not be accepted.
FDSRI aims to help you discover a wider network of research colleagues and to encourage your participation in academic or other research-related careers. Along the way, we trust that the interesting articles, stories, and advice offered in these online pages will strengthen your commitment to dentistry and learning.
FDSRI gratefully acknowledges The School of Dental Medicine at the University of Buffalo, under the guidance of Dean Michael Glick and Dr. Anne Meyer, and AEGIS Communications, for their time and dedication in bringing this opportunity to life. Special thanks to our Founding Sponsor, Colgate, for their the generous support.